Several students from the group presented their research at Northeast Regional Acoustics Symposium held at UNH in April.

Tired but happy after a busy poster session.

James presenting his poster on estimating rainfall from underwater sounds

David presents his poster on real-time broadband beamforming for marine mammal tracking to Gary Elko, one of the keynote speakers for the workshop.

Connor explains his results to Joel Gray
SPG made a trip to the outdoor rink in Providence for a night of ice skating on February 6. A few hearty alums joined us for winter fun.

Ana and Hannah on the ice

Marvin takes a break

David skating

Mudassir skating

James picking up speed
Group hike in Paskamansett Woods, 17 October 2023
Four members of the group presented at the IEEE Underwater Acoustic Signal Processing Workshop in Exeter RI from 11-13 October 2023. Congrats to Savas, David, Chris and CJ on great talks! While we were at the workshop, we had a chance to take some academic family photos. First, we gathered all of the current members and alumni from SPG, along with their students as well.
UMass Dartmouth SPG Members, alumni, and their students
We also gathered a larger group from the workshop who can all trace their academic family tree to the MIT Digital Signal Processing Group of the 1990s. All 19 people in this photo are academic descendants of either Alan Oppenheim or Arthur Baggeroer – roughly 1/3 of the workshop participants. It was a great workshop sharing research, meals and old stories.
Descendants of the MIT Digital Signal Processing Group
Our group meeting last week was a game of mini golf – a great way to enjoy the summer weather. Congrats to Brandon, who is this year’s SPG mini golf champion. Brandon also did a great job analyzing the “data” created by our scores (see figure below)
SPG Mini Golf Day 2023
Celebrating successful posters at the UNH Northeast Regional Acoustics Workshop, March 2023
Tasnim Azad Abir’s MS defense in August 2022
Frisbee golf game in Summer 2022
Group lunch in May 2022
Group hike in Paskamansett Woods on 1 Nov 2021
Savas Erdim’s MS defense in October 2021
Group lunch in December 2019
Celebrating Ian and Yang’s PhD Graduation in May 2018
Spring 2017 Group Lunch
Graduation 2016: Dr. Adhikari and Dr. Buck
Graduation 2016: Saurav, Kaushallya and David preparing to receive their PhDs
Group Dinner in Spring 2016: Kaushallya, David and Saurav celebrating their PhDs
Fall 2015 Group Lunch