For a full list of publications please visit Google Scholar.
J. R. Buck, M. M. Daniel, and A. C. Singer, “Computer Explorations for Signals and Systems Using Matlab, Second Edition,” Prentice-Hall, 2002.
A. V. Oppenheim and R. W. Schafer with J. R. Buck, “Discrete-time Signal Processing, Second Edition,” Prentice-Hall, 1999.
J. R. Buck, M. M. Daniel, and A. C. Singer, “Computer Explorations for Signals and Systems Using Matlab,” Prentice-Hall, 1997.
Book Chapter
M. A. Hjalmarson, J. K. Nelson, J. R. Buck, and K. E. Wage, “Concept Images of Signals and Systems: Bringing Together Mathematics and Engineering,” in Practice-Oriented Research in Tertiary Mathematics Education, Eds. Biehler, Liebendorfer, Gueudet, Rasmussen, Winslow, Springer, 2023, pp. 649-668.
Recent Journal Publications
C Mallary, C. J. Berg, J. R. Buck, A. Tandon, “Listening for rain: Principal component analysis for broadband acoustic rainfall detection,” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 154, no. 1, 2023, pp. 556–570
K. E. Wage, J. R. Buck, J. K. Nelson, M. A. Hjalmarson, “What Were They Thinking?: Refining Conceptual Assessments Using Think-Aloud Problem Solving,” IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, vol. 38 (3), pp. 85-93, 2021.
M. A. Hjalmarson, J. K. Nelson, L. G. Huettel, K. E. Wage, J. R. Buck, W. T. Padgett, “Practices for Implementing Interactive Teaching Development Groups,” Advances in Engineering Education, vol. 9 (4), 2021.
K. Adhikari and J. R. Buck, “Gaussian Signal Detection With Product Arrays,” IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 36256-36266, 2020.
R. Bautista and J. R. Buck, “Processor dependent bias of spatial spectral estimates from coprime sensor arrays,” J. of the Acous. Soc. Am., Vol. 143, No. 6, June 2018, pp. 3972-3978.
I. M. Rooney, Y. Liu and J. R. Buck, “Spatial power spectral density estimation using a multitapered coprime sensor array minimum processor,” J. of the Acous. Soc. Am., Vol. 143, No. 6, June 2018, pp. 3959-3971.
L. N. Kloepper, J. R. Buck, Y. Liu and P. E. Nachtigal, “Off-axis targets maximize bearing Fisher Information in broadband active sonar,” J. of the Acous. Soc. Am., Vol. 143, No. 1, January 2018, EL43-EL48.
Y. Liu and J. R. Buck, “Gaussian Source Detection and Spatial Spectral Estimation Using a Coprime Sensor Array With the Min Processor,” IEEE Trans. Sig. Proc., Vol. 66, No. 1, January 2018, pp. 186-199.
F. S. Rawnaque and J. R. Buck, “Comparing the effect of aperture extension on the peak sidelobe level of sparse arrays,” J. of the Acous. Soc. Am., Vol. 142, No. 5, November 2017, EL467-EL472.
K. Adhikari and J. R. Buck, “Spatial Spectral Estimation with Product Processing of a Pair of Colinear Arrays,” IEEE Trans. Sig. Proc., Vol. 65, No. 9, May 2017, pp. 2389-2401.
R. Müller, A. K. Gupta, H. Zhu, M. Pannala, U. S. Gillani, Y. Fu, P. Caspers, and J. R. Buck, “Dynamic Substrate for the Physical Encoding of Sensory Information in Bat Biosonar,” Phys. Rev. Ltrs, 118, May 2017, 158102.
Y. Liu, J. R. Buck, and V. I. Ikonomidou, “Generalized min-max bound-based MRI pulse sequence design framework for wide-range T1 relaxometry: A case study on the tissue specific imaging sequence,” PLoSOne, Vol. 12, No. 2, e0172573.
D. A. Hague and J. R. Buck, “The Generalized Sinusoidal Frequency Modulated Waveform for Active Sonar,” IEEE J. Oceanic Eng, Vol. 42, No. 1, January 2017, pp. 109-123.
L. N. Kloepper, J. R. Buck, A. B. Smith, A. Y. Supin, J. E. Gaudette, and P. E. Nachti- gal, “Support for the beam focusing hypothesis in the false killer whale,” J. Exp. Bio. 2015:218, August 2015, pp. 2455–2462.
Recent Publications from Peer Reviewed Conference Proceedings
D. Campos Anchieta* and John R. Buck; “Robust power spectral density estimation via a performance-weighted blend of order statistics,” Proc. of Meetings on Acoustics (POMA), 8 Dec 2024, Sydney Australia. Student Paper award winner!
Saurav R. Tuladhar*
John R. Buck; “Double zero minimum variance distortionless response beamformer,” Proc. of Meetings on Acoustics (POMA) 2 November 2015; Jacksonville, FloridaS. Erdim* , J. R. Buck, and C.J. Berg∗ , “Covariance Matrix Tapered Beamformer That Is Universal Over Notch Width,” Proc. 2022 Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers (ASILOMAR 2022), Asilomar, CA, November 2022.
S. Erdim* , J. R. Buck, C. Gravelle∗ , C.J. Berg∗ and I. Lacombe, “Doubly Adaptive Covariance Matrix Taper Universal Beamformer,” Proc. Oceans 2022, Hampton Roads, VA, October 2022.
M. Tidwell* and J. R. Buck, “Designing linear FM active sonar waveforms for continuous line source transducers to maximize the Fisher Information at a desired bearing,” Proc. 2019 Sensor Signal Processing for Defence Conference (SSPD), Brighton, UK, May 2019.
J. R. Buck and A. C. Singer, “A Performance-Weighted Blended Dominant Mode Rejection Beamformer,” 2018 Tenth IEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop, Sheffield, UK, July 2018, pp. 124-128.
K. E. Wage and J. R. Buck, “Experimental Evaluation of a Universal Dominant Mode Rejection Beamformer,” 2018 Tenth IEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop, Sheffield, UK, July 2018, Sheffield, UK, July 2018, pp. 119-123.
M. Silva, M. Tidwell* , D. Kasilingam and J. R. Buck, “Experimental Validation of SuperResolution Beamforming using Multiplicative Array Processing,” Proc. USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting, Boston, MA, July 2018, pp. 41-42.