Mooring Recovery Cruise on 2 Nov 2022

We had a half-day cruise on the F/V Encourager to recover our acoustic recording mooring deployed 6 weeks earlier in Buzzards Bay. The mooring recorded underwater acoustic data for our acoustic rainfall estimation project. MNE MS student Patrick Pasteris rode along to test his Aurelia vertical profiler. All photos by J. Buck unless otherwise indicated.
Capt. Jarrett Drake of the F/V Encourager on the bridge as we approach the bridge
Leaving New Bedford
Making way to the mooring
Always a relief to find the mooring where you left it [Credit: P. Pasteris]
Capt. Drake, Prof Buck and CJ Berg recovering the LS2 recorder [Credit: P. Pasteris]
Prof Buck and CJ Berg removing the LS2 recorder from the mooring line [Credit: P. Pasteris]
Prof. Buck, Capt. Drake, Patrick Pasteris and CJ Berg after the cruise. [Note for future cruises: Do not let the old professor take the team selfie.]