Mooring Cruise on 10 June 2024

Perfect weather for another turnaround mooring cruise.   Captains Jason and Jarrett Drake brought us to our mooring on the Voyager.   This also gave new interns Piper Dienst and Nathan Winchell a chance to test their new “light bulb” crushers to create underwater impulse responses at three ranges as we approached the mooring.  We then brought the mooring safely aboard, and switched out the SD card and batteries for another deployment.

Piper and Nathan generating underwater impulses with lightbulbs


Relaxing on the deck during the ride back home

All of the crew back home again, with Capt Jason visible behind us on the boat.

Early Career Research award for SPG Alum Kaushallya Adhikari

Congrats to SPG alum Kaushallya Adhikari, Professor of Electrical, Biomedical and Computer Engineering at the University of Rhode Island, for winning the URI Early Career Faculty Research and Scholarship Excellence Award!  The award recognizes Kaushallya for outstanding research and scholarship and her important contributions to URI’s intellectual community.   Kaushallya will be recognized at an awards ceremony at URI in early May.


ASA Student Paper award for David

PhD student David Campos Anchieta won a POMA Student Best Paper award from the Acosutical Society of America for his recent paper “Robust power spectral density estimation via a performance-weighted blend of order statistics” presented at the ASA’s December 2023 meeting in Sydney, Australia.   Congrats to David for this recognition!

Happy Birthday Joseph Fourier

March 21st was the 256th anniversary of Joseph Fourier’s birth.  Fourier was the father of signal processing and data science.   We celebrated his milestone with a cake!

We weren’t the only ones celebrating.   Our friends and colleagues in the Stony Brook University College of Engineering and Applied Sciences also served Fourier themed baked goods.

IEEE Underwater Acoustic Signal Processing Workshop

Four members of the group presented research at the IEEE Underwater Acoustic Signal Processing Workshop last week in Exeter, RI.   Congrats to Savas, David, Chris and CJ on giving great talks.   We also seized the opportunity to get a photo of all of the UMassD Signal Processing Group extended academic family at the workshop, with Dr. David Hague (NUWC/NPT) and Prof. Kaushallya Adhikari (URI) joining us, along with Kaushallya’s students.

SPG Minigolf day

Our group meeting last week was a game of mini golf – a great way to enjoy the summer weather.   Congrats to Brandon who is this year’s SPG mini golf champion.  Brandon also did a great job analyzing the “data” created by our scores (see figure below)

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